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Making Learning Fun!

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Mod Podge Photo Transfer Mediums
Mod Podge Photo Transfer Medium is the perfect way to personalized gifts, home decor, and more! Use this unique decoupage formula for creating decals, appliques, and more from a photo copy of your favorite photos. Make sure your image is printed on a dry toner printer. Transfer color and black-and-white photocopies to any decoupage project surface such as wood, fabric, canvas, and more. Use this formula on hard surfaces to create personalized pieces like coasters and plaques or use on fabric to make a memorable blanket and pillow. This photo transfer medium is sure to add a personal touch to...

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Mod Podge - Dishwasher Safe
MOD PODGE - DISHWASHER SAFE When using Mod Podge Dishwasher-Safe, decorative glassware, ceramics and porcelains can now be permanently embellished with decoupage and still be washable! Once properly applied and cured to the surface, projects can either be hand washed or are top shelf dishwasher safe. Like glassware, Mod Podge Dishwasher-Safe dries to a gloss sheen.

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Why the Morepork/Ruru logo?
The morepork, also known as the ruru, is a native owl species in New Zealand and holds cultural significance in Māori mythology. It represents: Wisdom, Knowledge and Intuition: The morepork is often associated with wisdom knowledge and foresight in Māori culture. Owls are perceived as wise creatures, and we want to emphasize the educational aspect of our products. It signifies that engaging in "play" and exploration can lead to learning and acquiring knowledge. Its hooting sound at night is believed to be a call to pay attention and listen to one's intuition. Nighttime and Observation: The morepork is a nocturnal bird,...
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